you can be a hero
Let us introduce ourselves
Our priority in this Erasmus + project is Social Inclusion. We would like to change our students' vision focusing on disability, social obstacles, cultural differences, educational difficulties and economic disadvantages, having a new integrated approach of school projects. We will develop students' and teachers' skills all through the project, using open and innovative digital tools to communicate and disseminate about the results of our partnership.
The focus of the project YOU CAN BE A HERO is to discuss and carry out a versatile set of transnational activities about the inclusion of people in society, more particularly disability, employment, equality, volunteering and social media.
The project will help the students trust into the future, help them find a place in our society, proposing them to become heroes IN our society not AGAINST the society.
Our objective is to shed light to the current situation in the participating countries and try to contribute to the European common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination by encouraging the students to act as heroes in their everyday lives. Regardless of their home country, young people in Europe are all facing similar questions, as to how to be part of a society not act against it.
In this project, the students understand that they can be actors, and engage themselves in a society and as a challenge, they can take an active part in building a career, shaping their future in a Europe which is becoming ever more global. The objective is to strengthen the link between school education and working world, connecting general and vocational schools in the project, and also strengthening the student's self-esteem and socio-emotional skills.
The project YOU CAN BE A HERO give a
concrete approach to the topic, all the partners have an active role, they
create an interactive and collaborative game (on line and mobile app) in which
they construct the scenario step by step, after searching on the topic,
analyzing the positive and negative impacts and when meeting each other, they
work together on each "world" or chapter of the game. Therefore, the
project provides a framework for cooperation and the possibility of direct
contact on several levels: students work out the content together, teachers
optimize their pedagogical knowledge and the public is informed through
publications, presentations, exhibitions, etc.